Sunday, March 28, 2010

Water Balloon Toss, Maja's, and a cookout!

June 12, 2009

I was so surprised how fast those two weeks flew by. By the time the second Friday came, I couldn't believe it! I felt like we were just finally comfortable with the kids and vice versa. Still, I was blown away by all we managed to accomplish while we were there. I just wish I could have stayed longer!

Our last Friday in Gvozd, we spent doing a TON of fun things. We had a water balloon toss with the kids.

Everyone ended up tossing it back and forth until someone dropped it. Once that happened, everyone grabbed balloons, and it turned into a full-fledged water balloon fight! Once we ran out of balloons, the kids started filling their water bottles and buckets with water and spraying everyone with it, including the volunteers!

AND! The mural was finally finished! Most of the work was done by Jennifer and Damir, but we all helped with certain parts. Bravo to them! They did a great job :)

I did the Sunflower Power area, as well as part of the ferris wheel and rollercoaster tracks :)

After everyone dried off, Maja took us to her house with cherry trees, cats, and countryside galore.

Pega encouraged us to try his homemade honey and cherry rakija - rakija is alcohol usually made from fermented fruit, and typically, when you visit someone's house it's offered. You don't usually have a choice if you want to drink it or not, they make you! :)

Because it was our last night in Gvozd, we decided to have a cookout and invited everyone from Suncokret to come. It was a lot of fun planning a party! Some of the boys from Suncokret came early, and helped us make a bonfire pit (actually, they did it all on their own while we watched, ha ha.)
Making salad, while listening to some tunes!

The fire pit!

It was a really good time - we got to spend time with all the volunteers from Suncokret, our group, and some of the local kids. The majority of the kids that came were the younger ones. I think the older ones were on a field trip to see the coast. We played lots of volleyball until everyone was ready to eat.
Marcy and Jennifer!

Jumping rope! We later used this rope as our volleyball net. These kids know how to make anything work for EVERYTHING

Marie showing the kids how to put their sausage on their stick to cook over the fire

Suncokret Volunteers - Maja, Sonja, Pega, Ljubisa, and Duda

Damir and Adelita

Eventually, everyone left and it was just us 8 girls and Adelita left. It was very bittersweet - our last day at Suncokret was today and our cookout was just as much for the community as it was our going away party. We spent another hour or so sitting around the campfire talking. I think we all felt the same way - it had definitely been a remarkable 2 weeks in Gvozd, but we were also ready to see the rest of the country.

So we left the campfire and packed our bags...


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